Am pretty sure I already wrote something to do with this, but oh well am too lazy to go check my blogs out. Trust me they are alot over 70+ blogs maan😱

If there is something have recently learnt or have should have learnt long time ago is actually not sitting down to tell someone sorry for a decision that you made, like cmon it’s for you why you being sorry.

Have gotten to interact with people who will always be sorry for the simplest things. Well I understand that it’s a normal to some but will you always always be pleasing yourself to someone. I feel that being sorry for a decision is more of a sweetener, you trying to neutralise yourself, scared of I dont know what.

As you walk this journey of self-discovery which honestly is not easy, trust me it is not easy at all. You will have to make tough, hard and super hurtful decisions that at the moment seem impossible but I want you to remember why you are doing it.

You are doing it cause you are tired, unhappy, unsatisfied, unappreciated, lonely, sad etc. The negativity you are letting go or setting aside is not something to be sorry for. For example that diet that is making you unhealthy, let it go and don’t be sorry, that person threatening your relationship, let them go and don’t be sorry, etc

If protecting your peace is something to be sorry then gosh this world is done with. The selfless decisions you make to keep your peace is nothing to be sorry for. The sacrifice you are making is worth to you so do not be sorry.

Moments like this, where you are stuck in a dilemma is where truth starts to manifest. I believe a true person will understand the position you are, advise you accordingly then leave it to you to decide on what you will take or not. In those moments after you chose do not apologise or be sorry for doing that what you did.

Back then I’d really apologise for making decisions that were important to me and honestly it would make me not see through my decisions. Being sorry brings a cloud of doubt which becomes a thunderstorm that rains hailstones on you. The moment you be sorry, it means you ain’t assertive cause people take advantage when you feel sorry.

There are two options either live by it or live by the world that brings you everything sad,lonely and depressing. Remember I always say “Whatever you are not changing you are choosing” so chose wisely on what you wanna change.

As for me today am changing never to be sorry for decisions that I make to protect my self from all that I do not want in my life, so yes you what is it that you are choosing on?

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Stop apologising for being you

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