First Step: Acknowledgement |Adulting

I love how slowly am getting to understand adulting, also a big thank you to those who have been sharing and helping me out so far. Confused? I know, i am too. Sometimes I think am an adult sometimes maybe am not. Just yesterday i was a teen, enjoying life and all. Again, you can…

What is Adulting?|Adulting

According to Oxford dictionary, Adulting is the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. The same says, it is to behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks. There is also another definition of it…

How it started?|Adulting

First of all there is no age to adulting, no mark that you cross that says “welcome to adulting” but there are points in life maybe after high school that you start having responsibilities over your life, now there is adulting. Responsibilities = Adulting Responsibilities about your life that you are in charge of, not…

Welcome to the Adulting series.

Well I’d love to introduce you to my new blog series category called Adulting. In light of me getting into the adult scene, I’d love to share my journey and experience through it. From the moment it started to where it will ever end. Well am in my early 20s, a sophomore and I don’t…